What you should be taking for a whiter smile

White_teeth_and_Oakley_sunglasses (2)If you’ve read my blog before, you know that I am a strong believer that diet is the number one contributor to your overall health. When it comes to the health of your teeth, this statement is an important rule to follow. By drinking cokes and eating sugary foods it can deteriorate the enamel and turn those pearly whites to gloomy yellows. Living in east Africa I noticed that the overall health of my teeth was getting better. Whether it was the lack of access to sugary drinks or a decrease in processed foods, I knew something had affected this change. It was not until my friend had asked me “Why do Africans have such pearly white teeth when there is a high poverty rate”?

In all honesty I had noticed this before but never really thought about it. In the western world we are exposed to all the latest technology to improve our smiles. Yet we can see the poorest people with the best teeth. This goes to show that diet plays a major factor, not economic status. So, the question I wanted to figure out is which foods really allow for healthier teeth.

The answer to this is the orange monster itself, carrots. We usually think of milk and yogurt being the recipes to whiter teeth, but think again! Yes ladies and gentlemen the carrot is a natural whitener. It’s a plus for me since I find carrots everywhere here. It seems like every restaurant has carrot juice, carrot as a side dish, it’s a carrot frenzy!

Eat up my fellow bugs bunnies!

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