Want to be healthy, skip the gym

You must be surprised by the title, someone is saying not to exercise? Well, this is not entirely the case. I know many people who will go to the gym for two hours a day ,and then thats their exercise for the entire day. They will sit at home and they will continue to sit at work. However, the time spent at the gym should not be the primary form of your activity, but an added activity.

If there is something I learnt from this region is that you do not need gyms to gain strength or fitness. All day people walk or ride their bikes to school, to work, to the store. A constant day of activity will continuously make you stronger and healthier. In Rwanda for instance government and public workers have half day Fridays to concentrate on exercising and sports. Now most people do not have gym memberships, so what do they do? Many will walk around town or walk from their work place to home or ride their bikes. Being healthy and fit is a priority for the governments because they understood that it would keep their employees healthier and healthcare stronger. For this reason, there’s a strong culture of healthy living and daily exercising (maybe not in the form we know in the west with gyms) but continuos activity.

Heres some tips

1. If you can walk or take a bike to work, do it

2. Try to have a standing desk

3. Start with 30 mins a day walking around your neighborhood, bring a friend!

4. Go for a hike

5. If you’re watching television, stand during the commercials then move to stand the entire time

Just be continuously active!

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